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Stone Flooring Topics

Natural Stone Flooring Installation Topics

Stone Tile: Absorption Rating

There are four main categories used to classify the absorption rating of stone tiles. The higher the absorption rating, the more likely tile will stain and crack in extreme cold.

Natural Stone Flooring Installation - Questions & Answers

Does slate tile flooring need to be sealed?

Top answer: Always

Should a water sealant be applied to natural stone tile that is installed outdoors?

Top answer: Always

What type of natural stone floor tile is the least durable?

Top answer: Sandstone

What type of natural stone floor tile is the most durable?

Top answer: Granite

What type of stone floor tile is most vulnerable to water damage?

Top answer: Sandstone

What type of stone floor tile is the easiest to install?

Top answer: There is no significant difference

What type of stone floor tile is the most difficult to install?

Top answer: There is no significant difference

What type of stone floor tile works best in high-traffic areas?

Top answer: Granite

What type of stone flooring has the best resistance to scratching?

Top answer: Granite

Laminate Flooring Topics

Cost to Install Laminate Flooring

How much does laminate flooring cost? Learn more about the cost of installing laminate flooring.

Are laminate floors typically waterproof?

Top answer: No

Can I put laminate flooring in the kitchen?

Top answer: In most cases

Can I use laminate flooring in a bathroom?

Top answer: In some cases

Can laminate flooring be installed over ceramic tile?

Top answer: In most cases

Can laminate flooring be installed over concrete subfloors?

Top answer: In most cases

Can Laminate Flooring Be Refinished?

Top answer: No, never

Can laminate flooring get wet?

Top answer: In most cases

Can laminate floors be painted?

Top answer: Never

Can laminate floors be steam cleaned?

Top answer: No

Does laminate flooring need an underlayment?

Top answer: In most cases

Does laminate flooring need to be acclimated?

Top answer: Always

Does laminate flooring need to be sealed?

Top answer: No

Does laminate flooring warp?

Top answer: In some cases

How long does laminate flooring need to acclimate?

Top answer: 24 hours

How long should it take to install 1,000 square feet of laminate flooring? (all on one level; two man crew)

Top answer: Two days

How long should it to take to install laminate flooring in a 10 ft. by 10 ft. room? (two people)

Top answer: About two hours

How Much Does It Cost to Put in Laminate Flooring?

Is laminate flooring recyclable?

Top answer: Not sure

Should laminate flooring be glued down?

Top answer: Never

Should laminated floors be nailed down?

Top answer: No, never

Would you recommend installing laminate floors in a kitchen?

Top answer: In some cases

Tile Installation Topics

Granite Has the Art of Nature

704 Granite & Marble Fabricators has years of experience Working on bathroom countertop projects. Whether you’re looking for granite or another stone, give us a call and we can discuss your bathroom countertop needs. Below are some of our recent bathroom countertop projects.

Natural Stone Tile Flooring: Pros & Cons

What are the pros and cons of installing national stone tile? Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of installing natural stone tile flooring in your home.

How long does granite tile flooring typically last?

Top answer: 50+ years

What type of stone floor tile works best in kitchens?

Top answer: Granite

Other Stone Flooring Topics

Adding Stone Tile To Wall

Tips on adding value to your home with the addition of stone wall tiles

Will installing laminate floors reduce the value of my home?

Top answer: In some cases

What is your opinion of the American Floorcovering Alliance?

Top answer: No opinion/Never heard of them

What is your opinion of the Certified Floorcovering Installers Association (CFI)?

Top answer: Favorable

What is your opinion of the World Floor Covering Association (WFCA)?

Top answer: Favorable

Are marble countertops heat-resistant?

Top answer: Never

Are quartz countertops heat resistant?

Top answer: In most cases

Are quartz countertops less expensive than granite countertops?

Top answer: In some cases

Are quartz countertops stain resistant?

Top answer: In most cases

Can quartz countertops chip?

Top answer: In some cases

Do quartz countertops need to be sealed?

Top answer: Yes, always

What is the standard thickness of quartz countertops?

Top answer: Not sure

Can quartz countertops be refinished?

Top answer: In some cases

How Much Do Tile Installers Charge?

What is Rectified Tile?

Is it possible to float engineered hardwood floors?

Top answer: Yes

What is your opinion of the Floor Covering Installation Contractors Association (or FCICA)?

Top answer: Neutral

What is your opinion of the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC)?

Top answer: Favorable

Related Questions & Answers

Are concrete countertops more expensive than granite countertops?

Top answer: In some cases

Are stainless steel countertops more expensive than granite countertops?

Top answer: Not sure

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